Surprise and delight your guests this summer with Cervena from pure natural New Zealand. Cervena comes only from specially grown free-running deer exclusively fed with pasture grass. Tender as butter, soft and subtle flavor makes Cervena perfectly suited for the lighter, natural summer kitchen. Cervena can serve in many wijzes; In summer salads with fruit, cheese, … but also gegrilt on the BBQ enriched with spicy exotic herbs or natural with fresh rosemary and thyme, and cook it slowly with aromas of lime, pepper and ginger.

Real food lovers but also the fussy eaters will easily convince your Cervena recipes.

  • (Nederlands) Proef de zomer

    (Nederlands) Proef de zomer

    Sorry, this entry is only available in Dutch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Cervena hertenvlees is ...
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  • Recipes


    Cervena est une viande polyvalent qui vous ouvre des horizons illimités. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une sélection de nos receipts estivales préférées. Une source d’inspiration pour vous et de délicieuses surprises pour vos clients.
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